Two days before Christmas I found myself in a small room with no windows and EKG electrodes stuck to me. I took turns lying on an exam table while an ultrasound tech watched the movement of my heart and walking/running on a treadmill while having my heart rate and blood pressure monitored.
These are things most 30 somethings don’t experience but at that moment as the incline on the treadmill rose and the speed increased and I began to run it was a pivotal moment of reflection.
I wondered how often do I run the treadmill of life walking quickly from one task to the next, running to face an uphill battle only to find myself breathlessly sweating with nothing to show for my exhaustion.
As I finish 2013 and move into 2014 I find myself reflecting not only on 2013 but also on a decade of life, for in a few short days I will move into a new decade.
My focus verse for 2013 was
“May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14
I didn’t intend on taking a month off from blogging but God had more he wanted to accomplish in me during 2013 and needed to remove all distractions.
2013 was a pivotal year of focusing on God’s Word during hard times. As difficult circumstances arose, instead of getting angry and frustrated and responding in a fleshly attitude, I took time to pray and meditate on Psalm 19:14. Each time I prayed “Lord, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and My Redeemer” I found God’s perspective in the situation and responded in a manner that was not my normal fleshly reaction.
Believe me there are times my normal fleshly reaction can bring lots of attention to me and an ugly attitude, but desiring and praying that my words and thoughts be pleasing to God gave me the ability to respond in a loving attitude rather than an ugly attitude. There were times this past year when I was hurt or the kids were misbehaving and all I wanted to do was unleash the ugly but God enabled me to love those who were unlovable in the moment.
In years past I have made resolutions only to give up or forget about them by the beginning of February. In 2013 I chose to go a different route and instead of making a list of New Year Resolutions, I chose to focus on God’s Word.
Taking Psalm 19:14, praying it, studying it & living it changed my heart and attitude. This heart and attitude change led me to cling tighter to God ultimately bringing me closer to Him.
Over the last few months God has led me to a new focus verse for 2014. I would love for you to join me next week as I spend time reflecting on my 30 something decade of life and share God’s direction for 2014.