I’ve gotten myself stuck in the “rat-race” again. Life isn’t bad, it isn’t even hard right now…it’s just very busy.
I’ve planned fun events, volunteered at the kids school, spent time taking them to the park and the zoo during spring break, and experienced new activities as a family. All of these are wonderful and fun but each of them fill up white space that disappears all too quickly.
Today I found myself anxious and stressed over how I’m going to get everything done – the laundry that’s piled up, the toilets that need scrubbing (because there might be something growing in them – sshh don’t tell anyone :-)), the dust bunnies collecting in the corners, the pizza I need to pick up for my daughter’s class today, dinner that needs to be cooked and eaten before the early baseball game, oh and that’s right I have to figure out what we are doing for Easter.
Easter? Did someone really ask me what we’re doing for Easter? How in the world did that sneak up on me?
It was then that I realized while things have been so good I have lost focus.
I’ve lost focus of the One who orders my day, the One who gives me the ability to get the important things in His Plan for me done each day, the One who died on the Cross to save me from my sins.
This morning after dropping the kids off at school I took a walk, not for any other reason than to spend uninterrupted time in His Presence. I needed time to refocus my eyes and heart and mind on Jesus. I needed to remember even during the times when all is well, I need to start each morning at The Cross.
It is at The Cross where my eyes and heart and mind are refocused on the Presence of Christ.
So sweet sisters do you need to refocus your eyes, heart, and mind on Christ? Take time today to sit in His Presence, remember the sacrifice He made on The Cross and how very much He loves you.
In His Calm,